Shop Accidnts

If you're working in an active shop the occasional accident will happen. When you are working with sharp knives and machinery the inevitable will happen. When I did shoe repair we had these large finishing machines which were belt sanders. These machines used a very aggressive sand paper 24 grit which will grind a leather sole down to nothing in seconds. It never failed once every once or two years I would get distracted or a shoe would roll on you throwing your hand against the belt. This will take your skin down to the bone in seconds. After a couple of these accidents, you don't forget and become super careful.

Last night I was cleaning the shop late two in the morning to be exact. At the end of my bench, I had some clutter of wood where I was building an overhead light support. As I was walking around the bench I slipped on a piece of wood and tripped. My hand went out instinctively and hit my splitter which is attached to the end of my bench. The very tip of the blade was exposed and cut my hand. The cut wasn't deep but it caught a small artery or vein below my thumb. Blood everywhere! I couldn't see the cut for all the blood.

Once I washed it I saw the cut was not large but it had nicked that vein. I keep a first aid kit in the shop and was able to stop the bleeding and dress the wound.

So a couple of valuable lessons here for you new leather workers.

1) keep your shop clean.

2) cover all exposed blades

3) Always have a first aid kit in your shop. I always have a spray bottle of alcohol in the shop as well for small cuts or a quick hand wash.

Not to scare anyone, but accidents can happen when you least expect them. This is probably the first in 4 years, but they can happen so be prepared!


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